Went out for dinner last night in Belfast for Laurens birthday (thats her in the photo), those girls... Joy, Amy and Lauren are actually the most funniest, amazing ladies I know. (Carly unfortunately couldn't make it). We all have brilliant relationships, ones where you don't really have to make much of an effort because we always know that we're here for one another and if we haven't seen eachother in a few weeks its never awkward, we always just pick up where we left off. The type where you know we'll be best friends forever :) how soppy...
I've known each of them for years, Lauren from Comber, the longest, since we were two (our families became friends at Cranfield back in 1990). Amy (a Belfast bird) for a numberous amount of years too and Joy and Carly from home (I did also meet Joy in Cranfield). We all have caravans up there and it's class. Summers are my favourite time of the year simply because I know Cranfields open and its just an hours drive away...
I owe everything to that place, ALL and I mean all of my childhood memories are from there, happy and sad ones. It is by far responsible for most of my life changing experiences and best friends.
Remember the good old days of bonfires on the beach and at the point, camping out in tents, the summer romances, Lauren and Johnnys (Amys brother) on-off relationship, 'out in the water' days, 'CYR' antics, kilkeel band parades, fun fair in town, lunch in the port-o-call, the cabin gamesroom, learning to drive, adventure days across the fields, the Thompsons caravan, picnic at the castle (getting chased by the boys with water bombs, then swimming in the sea on the way back), Pudge; what a funny guy, lighthouse shop days, James Newell and his quad, CSSM...I could easily go on forever.
We talked for ages about the things we used to do but then the more I thought and talked about it I got really sad that we're all growing up. It's just not the same these days... It's pretty stupid because we're all 18 - 20 years old and you'd think then we'd still be creating loads and loads more memories, which we are, but I guess growing up just isn't as fun as what it used to be back in the days where we didn't have to work and we had to rely on parents for lifts and permission to do things.
I always wanted to be 18 years old, able to do whatever you want, go wherever you want, no worries about parents saying no or anything but I'm over it now, I wish I was 14 again just for the fun of running around Cranfield chasing after the boys!
The purpose of this post really is to make me appreciate every moment in life. It actually flys by and before I know it they'll all be married with kids, jeepers!! So go on... rekindle those carefree days with friends, rebuild those memories!!
Can't wait for Cyprus '07, love you ladies xo
Up the CYR
im gona cry...that was so nice
lol, was that you joyful?
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