As you know it was a Leap year last friday so I decided I would be brave and ask my mate to marry me. He said yes. We haven't got a ring or really celebrated it but we say we're engaged so there you go!! Who would have ever thought...
Even better news, I went over to Liverpool for a Richard Fleeshman gig. A.MAZING.

This silly computer doesn't have all of my photographs on it so I'll post the one of him looking at me asap.
His mum Sue played Jackie Corkhill in Brookside. As I was hanging with her on Saturday night I casually expressed my undying love for her son. I think she liked me.

I got home very early on Sunday afternoon and was ushered straight to the BBC to record and finish links to my first ever TV series. Blast on The Box shall be on your screens in a few weeks so I will keep you updated....
So I was chatting to Indya today and just happened to ask... "have you seen Ellen in the last 5months???" to which she applied no, I concured with her and I thought, I might give ya a wee phone... to which I got an answer message! So iv resorted to conversation via blog, which says your engaged???? Your a mess!!!
lol lol lol laura, you crack me up. it hasn't really been 5 months, i was in church 4 weeks ago before last night, i was in liverpool last week, working the one before, in dublin the one before and london the one before that. anyway, i've no plans to be outside of lurgan anymore sundays so do not fret! you're going to have to get used to being mates with a globe trotting celebrity ha ha. great to see you last night even if it was for one 2 minutes. i want to see you kitchen!!!
the kitchen is waiting for you. I'll get my people to phone your people and we'll arrange a viewing. Chow darling!!! xo
P.s. I forgot my password.
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