I celebrated my 23rd Birthday yesterday. It was a special day as it was also Easter Sunday. Two of my favourite days rolled into one. To me, birthdays should always be celebrated with your family; afterall without them I wouldn't be here in this form. My brother Sam's birthday is the day before mine and we always blow out our candles together at 12am when he passes his birthday over to me. This was the first year we weren't together. Thank the Lord for skype!
Tom treated me to the most wonderful Swarovski ear rings and a lovely dress, although I did return the dress for a blouse I preferred and thought I would get more wear out of. We went out for some champagne while my lovely housemates and friends cooked up a roast and surprised me with a Birthday Party. Here are some snaps...

It's Ryan's Birthday tomorrow so we blew out the candles together!

I had the most wonderful day regardless of losing a tooth on a corn chip!
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