Thursday, April 24, 2008


And so it's that time of year again, my favourite.. birthday season! For those who know me well know that I love my family and particularly my brothers more than anything so to share my birthday in the same week as my nephew and one of my younger brothers is a privilege. It was my nephew Marks on Monday 21st, he's a whole 64 hours older than me. Yes, older! And Sam's 16th was yesterday, I can not believe he'll be learning to drive in a year. And mine is today. I am 20 years old. I'm old. Half of 40. Nightmare.

For some reason I didn't tell anyone it's my birthday today. I usually keep reminding people for at least a month before and reading back to last years blog on my birthday I was so ready for that 19 milestone but 20, that's a different story.. I guess in not telling people I thought I was putting it off.

I just looked through photos of Sams 14th and my 18th, o how we have changed! Time scares me, alot.

This is Sam and I celebrating both our birthdays at 12AM this morning. He is no longer a boy, he's a man.

Sam thought the jam in his cake was red sauce. I laughed alot. I love this photo.

We pose...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are funny Ellen... :-) You are definitely NOT old (and even being in your 40's is not bad you know!)

Sounds like you have an exciting year ahead of you. I know you'll live every day to the full. Hope you had a lovely birthday!
