I had, if not the, one of the best days ever on Monday with Indya and Josh.
Josh is our American mate who lives and works in Germany. We met him over a year and a half ago when Indya, Laura, Drew, Joey and I went over to Brussels for the weekend. He's great. He works in a very difficult job where there's not many christians around but yet his faith in God and belief that he's there for a reason is inspiring. He loves the emerald isle and has been over about 4 times since we first met. I especially love it when he comes because not only do I get to catch up with him again but he brings us 4 (Laura, Indya and Drew) back together again and that is nice.
Josh has been interested in the Benedictine Monks for a while and had planned on going to visit them while he was over. I tagged along. It was amazing. Their lives are far from what we would conclude as normal. We met with Brother Thierry who came over from France to live in the retreat many years ago. He told us about their day to day lives which consist of 5 set praying times, that in itself I find impossible. Josh asked the important questions like 'how do you feel your mission in moving over here for God is coming along?'. Where as I asked if he ever goes out for dinner... I forgot to ask if I could have a robe. He said some fantastic things. One thing stuck out when I asked him if he gets annoyed or impatient with all the visitors to his home he responded by saying, 'We wish to treat everyone like Jesus, when people come we welcome them and bring them into our lives. They are just like Jesus'.

I was very humbled by that. So much I didn't feel worthy of being there.
We left Rostrevor we went to Kilbrony and climbed to the big rock that over looks, Warrenpoint, Carlingford and the Mournes. I always feel like I need to whisper at the top of mountains. It's a great feeling.

We then drove to Cranfield and I made a 2008 comeback. I always, always remember the first day I go back in a new year or new caravan season. I love it so much. Cranfield has been my summer home since I was two and like I've said before is responsible for alot of my life changing experiences so will always hold a special place in my heart. We went for lunch in the famous port-o-call in Kilkeel before driving to Newcastle for a mint chocolate chip ice cream from Mauds and a walk along the promenade.
With it only being 2:30pm and I didn't have to be in Belfast for work until half 5 we decided to head to Tullymore Forest Park outside Newcastle for a walk, which turned into a two hour mission of finding our way out and being late! I couldn't believe I hadn't been there before.

I never have days like last Monday. For those who know me, know I'm always busy and never have time to just chill. it's not good. My Mum says I make people feel busy and rushed when I'm around them. I need to sort that out. I love being with Indya, she is the most chilled girl. I feel relaxed around her. Everyone, absolutely everyone need an Indian (Indya) in their lives. She is the best.